Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Netanyahou: un retrait des troupes d'Irak pourrait mettre la sécurité d'Israël en danger

C'était prévisible: l'article a été retiré quelques heures après sa publication.

Netanyahu: U.S. pullout from Iraq could leave Israel vulnerable
Published 22:48 07.07.10 | Latest update 22:48 07.07.10
By Barak Ravid

WASHINGTON - Any future peace deal with the Palestinians must provide for the security must allow Israel to maintain defenses against an attack from the east, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in Washington on Wednesday.

Speaking after a meeting with U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Netanyahu said that a final status agreement must provide for the possibly of renewed hostilities on Israel's eastern border following an American withdrawal from Iraq.

The prime minister's comments appear to indicate that even after a withdrawal from Palestinian territory, he would insist on maintaining an Israeli military presence along the Jordan Valley, which forms the border between Jordan and the West Bank.

Netanyahu also told Gates that any peace settlement must include safeguards to prevent the transfer of rockets and other weapons into a future Palestinian state.

In his meeting with Netanyahu earlier in the day, U.S. President Barack Obama promised he would not force Israel into taking any steps that compromised its national security.

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